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The endless loop of suffering

for as long as we are carrying the pain from the past we will be suffering in the present 


'Every thought or emotion that you experience causes a reaction in a specific area of your brain..


Modern electronic imaging technology allows us to view the intricate dance in your brain's energies that accompanies your every thought and feeling. If you were to watch the screen of a brain-imaging device such as a PET scanner while you were experiencing substantial stress or anxiety, you would see specific areas receiving arousal signals that make the screen light up like a Christmas tree.


If your brain recognises a similarity between a distressing situation from your past and what you are seeing or hearing in the moment even though there is no current threat or danger-the same distress signals that you experienced in the earlier situation can become activated. Although it may seem unreasonable, the emotional response can be overwhelming..


This basic sequence where a current situation activates an outdated response is at the root of generalised anxiety.


EFT shows how you can stimulate specific points on your skin that will send electrochemical signals directly to your brain. If at the same time you hold in your mind a situation that triggers an unwanted emotional response, you can actually shift your brain's response to that situation.


 It is an unconventional approach, yet it frequently produces undeniable improvement in only one session and often works where other approaches do not.'




David Feinstein, Ph.d, clinical psychologist (The healing power of EFT and energy Psychology)



EFT reduces cortisol levels

When we're suffering from anxiety and feeling highly stressed, adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released by the amygdala as our sympathetic nervous becomes activated and our body responds to the perceived threat by entering a state of fight or flight.


By using the incredibly effective and fast acting approach of EFT, the brains response is shifted by the changing chemistry in the amygdala and the alarm response is no longer elicited, the parasympathetic nervous system of rest and digest becomes activated, cortisol levels are reduced and a deep sense of calm is then experienced rather than distress.

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